Animating the Dead

The Best Kept Secret
Location: 13.20 - 26.40 of Aries
Many eons ago, when life exploded into existence and spread through the universe raw and unbridled, something mysterious happened. To keep the living in check, 'death' emerged in all its glory.
When all was said and done, the forces holding the universe together were simplistic really. Whatever is allowed to live, is allowed to die and is reborn again ad infinitum.
The Gatekeepers of Existence
Bharani is the weight bearer, like a mother bears her child in the womb. But natives from this constellation are much more than that. They are the gatekeepers of life and death itself.
Ruled by Yama, the God of Death, natives of this star group are mysterious beings. They are similar to the Ashwin Kumars but not quite. Bharani natives can heal, sure. But they can create worlds, grow oaks from acorns and even pull the dying from their death beds. This is kundalini energy in action.
The Mysterious Personality
The mysteriousness of life and death gives them a secretive quality to their personality. They seem suspicious even of the most innocuous of things. Well, what came first? Their personality or their attitude? It's a vicious circle. Much like swinging between life and death in the waters of the womb - not born, yet alive - the natives live in two worlds.
The Power of Venus
The ruler of Bharani is Venus. When we think of Venus, our mind goes to superficial places of beauty, prosperity and romance. In the Vedas, Shiva himself granted Venus or Shukra the knowledge and power to revive the dead, also known as 'Sanjeevni Vidya'.
The semen of men and the yoni of women are ultimate expressions of power on Earth. In the light of such an expression the world has seen some wonderful things, and equally seen the very worst.
So Venus can animate the dead, but it can also 'keep' something dead. Afterall, Venus rules the 2nd and 7th houses - both killer houses in Jyotish - and is exalted in the 12th house of isolation, detention and enlightenment.
Ever wonder why?
Characteristics of Bharani Natives
The placement of Venus in a person's chart can say a lot about their own life force. Bharani natives are beautiful with attractive features, have hormonal challenges and a long-standing desire for procreation.
Legacy is important to them.
They have mysterious smiles that hide an intense need for control. Many midwives, mystics, prostitutes and their clients both, narcissists and killers have a prominent Bharani influence in their charts. Yet, it is a deeply spiritual nakshatra.
This desire for controlling one and all leads to extreme metamorphosis. Like a pressure cooker that doesn't whistle eventually blows up the kitchen. When put through such binds, their language can turn rather ugly. T
hey better watch what they say, because sometimes their words can kill. Literally. On the flip side, even gentle encouragement from a Bharani native can pull someone off the ledge.
They can have a dual nature as their mood swings to extremes. Often, natives have to adapt to such pressures from a young age, and learn to endure. That is why they are the bearers of the weight.
Venus's Blessings
Eventually, the trials of life subside and Venus blesses the natives with extraordinary skills, materialistic wealth and pleasures. That's when they show their more benevolent sides. You see their honesty, determination and generous attitudes come forth. You can only give what you have, after all.
Balance is the crux of this nakshatra.
Venus rules over Libra and Taurus. Libra represents balance and Taurus is the most stable sign in the zodiac. The 3 fixed stars in this constellation represent the female sexual organ, and triangle is the most stable structure in the universe.
So you can build anything (even if precarious) on top of it.
The Weight of Existence
Now to the heavy stuff - pun, pun, pun.
Extreme circumstances tend to follow Bharani natives around. Because Yama rules this nakshatra of birth and death natives can experience loss of children - however - this will depend on other combinations within the chart.
Shani as a God can be pacified with remedies, but Yamraj is not so benevolent. So complete transformation along with leaving the past behind is guaranteed, with the added promise of towing the thin line between power and pain.
Life's Mission
The natives are born into this simulation to indulge in Venusian activities. Primarily ones full of passion or are Rajasic and Artha in nature, always pushing forward into new missions.
Natives can be seen exhibiting witty, intelligent and creative solutions to the weirdest problems.
Challenges in Relationships
Sensuality can go to extremes and result in complex, obsessive relationships, and control here is required. Venus and Mars coming together causes a Gandanta effect and inflames the desire. The water element pulls them down through undercurrents. Leading to confusion in relationships which can be hot and cold. Honesty, fairness, and trust are important.
The battle is within them, and this confuses them. Power comes through with the ability to analyse the mistake and never repeat it. Yama gives frequent wraps on the knuckle. The guidance to change and adapt is constantly being fed to them through the simulation we all share.
Saturn and Yama
Saturn is debilitated in this part of Aries. This is where it gets challenging. In the quest for balance, one is destined to fail at least once in their lives till they learn their lesson. The trick is not to get into a downward spiral and keep pushing through the challenges and they are sure to find a breakthrough, even more so than natives with an exalted Saturn.
Bharani is a testing nakshatra. Do you choose easy or difficult? Do you choose restraint and ethics or the fast solution? This is where the dilemma lies. Fanatical beliefs can be seen.
Yama enforces discipline and restraint and the law of karma. When they are hurting, they can project that onto others and jealousy follows. 'Hurt people, hurt people.' This is where Yama puts his foot down.
The Burden of Transformation
Bharani means someone who bears the weight, pressures and responsibility. There can be disgrace and dishonour within legacies. And oceans of transformation from one world to another as Yama ferries the souls of the dead. Things that are discarded can be made to look new. And so Venus brings back from the dead.
With all this talent in toe, codependency and confusion remains a persistent problem for such natives. Why wouldn't it be? How much transformation can a person endure, really? The exposure to the real world is rather cutting.
Abandonment and Medicine
Just like you wouldn't want to meet Yamraj - ever - the activities of whichever house Bharani occupies in your chart will repulse you a little. The simulators of that house abandon you or you may abandon them. Partner's, children, bosses, mothers, etc., just... leave. In turn, ripping the cord unceremoniously.
Things you could count, suddenly you have to take responsibility for yourself. You protect you - that's a lot! And, planets, people, Gods will be keeping track of your progress too. There's no getting away from responsibility.
Fucking hell!
Due to such prominence of endings, the body tends to develop incurable diseases. But, in return makes for the greatest medical inventors history has ever seen. Stem cell researchers, pioneers into the field of neuro-regeneration and test-tube designer children are some that come to mind.
The Secrets of Menkar and Almak
Mars and Venus are the biggest cheerleaders of Bharani. If you understand their combined message, you can master this Nakshatra in your chart.
Natives born under this constellation are female representations of extreme sexual energy or the unbridled kundalini. Often, they are Devi worshippers. Mystery and natural power defines them. They are motivated by creation and are not remotely phased by endings.
The Mysterious Encounter
When you meet a Bharani native, it's likely they may avoid you. And for some unexplained reason you will avoid them. No one likes mystery (at least not on this scale). Don't let novelists fool you into believing otherwise.
But, when you get to know them, there is no turning back. As with anything in life, change is the only thing permanent with such beings.
Cherish them.
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