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Magha Nakshatra: Souls from Regulus

Writer's picture: SophiaSophia

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

If Thrones Could Speak

Lion king sitting on a throne

Power of Surrender

Location: 00.00 - 13.20 of Leo

Ketu is the second of Ketu's nakshatras. Here, the zodiac resets. The simulation matures into its next stage of evolution, and the wheel of time rolls on. Ketu remains the most mysterious of all planets in our solar system.

But, it's not a planet at all. It's a point in space that brings about eclipses. But most importantly, it's the significator of liberation from this material world. It's also the account keeper of our past lives and represents flags that were planted lifetimes ago.

Stricter than Saturn (yes, you read correctly!) and a bitter enemy to the Sun and Moon, one cannot pacify it with remedies. You can't fight reptilian shadows without heads.

Under the influence of Ketu - man, woman, child, god or devil - none have power.

Ancestral Significance of Magha

Magha is the nakshatra of the ancestors. Ruled by Ketu, the Deities are the Pitris, who keep lineages. The very fabric of your DNA encodes the information passed down through generations of simulations of your forefathers. A native influenced by Magha receives close scrutiny from the Pitris.

The Gods have a vested interest in this soul.

Plain and simple, Magha natives are born to clear the karma of their ancestors so they may be liberated. This is the energy of unfinished businesses. And taking on the karma of others is no simple task. This becomes a classic case of nothing is your fault, but still your responsibility.

This is the sort of thing that Gurus do for their disciples, because correcting someone else's karma is a great penance and also a catalyst for the greatest blessings. But a Magha native is no Guru, and the burden of this task is rather daunting.

And so, the Pitris follow the natives around like spectres. Never relenting, ever hungry for their ultimate prize.

Nobility and Power of Magha

But Magha is not a downtrodden nakshatra. Oh no, just the opposite. What reminds you of lineages that have planted their flags across the globe?

Monarchies. Maybe Mafias?

Magha is the ancestral throne. It represents fame, power, leadership, elitism, kings, queens and their progeny. It deals with genetics, bio-medicine and inheritances.

Magha is entirely located in the zodiac of Leo. The lion is the king of the jungle. So it deals with ego, leadership and immense wealth.

Characteristics of Magha Natives

Anyone with Magha prominent in their chart will be attracted to power. And those seeking power will be attracted to them. Others look to these natives for providing security and protection.

They have an almost irresistible preoccupation with finding recognition in the world so they may leave a legacy behind. But their obsession with the acquisition of status separates them from the masses.

And even though the natives are attached to their ancestry, this can be isolating. Because the ones at the top are often alone. Leadership is the gift of the Pitris.

And what do they want in return? Go on, have a guess.

The Price of Ancestral Karma

The Pitris are clever Gods. When has anything shiny ever been free of cost?

A Magha native can leave generations worthy of fame but first they must bend over backwards to the will of those who came before them. They must SURRENDER to the failures of their forefathers.

Do not judge these thrones by their gold, for thus forms a diabolical combination of liberation through imprisonment.

It's not your party, but you're paying for it anyway.

Leadership and Complex Nature

Understanding a Magha native can take you on meandering paths through the forest.

This energy is the most dignified side of Leo. Maghans are natural born leaders, with infinite charisma and commanding presence, a quality they mastered in previous lifetimes. The house placement of Magha will determine where their karma is stored and also where they will accomplish the most fame.

But Kings, even though not elected, only remain in power through the approval of the masses. So, a Magha native is crafty. On the road to success they align themselves with just enough influence to intimidate those on the steps below them.

No one messes with the bully's friend in the playground.

Professional Inclinations

Entrepreneurship, politics, management, etc are extremely attractive to these natives. They can be generous and caring when they become prominent in their fields. Ketu and Sun's placement in a natal chart will determine their latent talents. Lessons will involve dealing with authority, father-figures, isolation and most of all... surrender.

Father can be distant in their lives and this causes great emotional turbulence. Because they are here to correct their failures, afterall. So why aren't they helping?

Because Ketu is a moksha karaka. He cares about the work, not about you. He will detach you from everything, even from the very reason you are alive.

Monarchies still sound fun?

So as counterintuitive as it sounds, letting go is directly proportional to how many blessings are bestowed upon you.

And so, after all the fame, money, power and family has been amassed, it will bore a Magha native to death.

This is when we see their shadows come out roaring.

Shadows and Blessings

To succeed in life, Maghans need to be seen publicly. This energy is not for the faint of heart.

The flip side of their glory is they have difficulty being a big ego, vulnerability and relating to people. They can also be critical, snobby and have unrealistic high standards of people occasionally resulting in disdain for some and not others.

They can attract jealousy and can be paranoid about competition, especially as the opposing house to Sun is ruled by Saturn and Rahu. So they become preemptively reactive.

This is a ruthless nakshatra and natives like to crush their enemies lest they are challenged. If they sense disloyalty in their companions they cannot continue.

Yet, because Leo is a fixed sign they hang on just too long.

What they fail to understand is that the Pitris are always watching over them.

They are never alone in their journey. But the blessings come in the form of Ketu. Surrender. And miracles will follow at breakneck speeds. Remember, the Pitris want to clear their karmas, and they want it fast. The miracles are preordained. Why hang on to what's not working?

Lighting a lamp on a new moon night is a great way to honor your ancestors and connect with the energy of the Pitris.

The Secrets of Regulus

79 light years away from us, as one of the Royal Stars of Persia, this is one of the great historical stars of the sky. The Persians saw it as the Watcher in the North, which was linked to their mythical king Feridun, who once, in their mythology, ruled the entire known world.

He was a good and great king whose origins were like Zeus, who was raised apart from his family, suckled on a sacred cow, and in adulthood claimed the throne via a great battle. He is an image also very much like Osiris in Egyptian mythology: teaching; bringing peace and civilization; and giving laws to his people. In his old age he decided to divide his great kingdom among his three sons.

The two oldest fell upon and murdered their younger brother to take his lands, and this act so grieved Feridun that he took revenge upon his two elder sons. The resulting battle was the end of his kingdom and the end of the golden days of Feridun.

Regulan Characteristics

Feline in origin, Regulans are some of the nicest beings in the galaxy. They understand suffering is part of their karma so they try to relieve others of their plight. They become great writers, artists, creators, educators, etc. for the sole purpose of elevating others. They are regal in their manner and attract attention without even trying. Yet they are often loners.

They can be distant lovers, and not express their emotions very easily. From having so much given to them, they learn quickly to enjoy the simpler pleasures of life.

Spiritual Warfare and Success

Regulans want to win battles without needing to fight at all. They are in the business of creating an illusion of power. And their greatest enemy on the battlefield is revenge. If they stoop to lower destiny energies, failure is sure to follow. Their success lies in their generosity of spirit.

The Pitris reward those who are righteous. Afterall, this power was given to the native. They didn't earn it. So, weapons wielded for the sake of protection will be awarded. Enemies will fear even approaching such a native, those who armor themselves with their dharma.

The Path to Liberation

But their greatest secret to success lies in their ability to isolate themselves voluntarily from the world. Ketu loves this. Did you know that the Pitris have the support of the great Yamraj? He's the biggest bully in town. The Lord of Death himself, Yamraj spares no one. Not even the Gods.

Creating a mini version of the death experience on the Earth plane will serve these natives well. Isolation is key here. This will bring self-realization and thus, when the native's karma is finished, there will be no need for another birth.

The circle will close and everyone will be liberated.

Want to discover the secrets of your birth chart? Book a Vedic Astrology Reading today!


Astrology Insights, Ancient Wisdom, Galactic Readings, Vedic Astrology, Galactic Astrology, Dharma, Divine, Life Purpose, Indian Astrology, Jyotish, Lunar Cycles, Moon, Kundali, Prediction, Relationship, Marriage, Love, Career, Health, Karma, Auspicious, Nakshatra, Vedas, Zodiac Signs, Astronomy, Starseeds, Lightworker, Free birth chart, Free Astrological chart, Healing, Sun, Moon, Spirituality

Lion king sitting on a throne


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