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Purpose: A Story About Love

Writer's picture: SophiaSophia

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

Evolution Follows You

Two galaxies mirroring each other

Light and Life

Long ago, in the distant galaxy of Andromeda, there was a woman named Ella. Andromeda had many solar systems and planets, but Ella was the only resident. No one knew how the Andromedans came to be, and Ella couldn't forget either.

One moment, she had emerged from the cosmic fabric, joined with another entity, feeling an intense, unfamiliar energy. She didn’t know what “love” was, but that moment had left a lasting impression.

She explored Andromeda alone, but felt incomplete. She awoke each day from an endless sleep, drifting into an eternal awareness, unable to tell dreams from reality. Andromeda felt strange and boundless, where time passed both slowly and not at all.

In Andromeda, reality followed no rules. Planets and stars moved, yet days and nights blurred together. Ella could choose to experience "time" however she wanted.

She'd imagine herself in fantastical scenarios: walking through a town, swimming underwater, or flying through space. Change was her only constant.

Among all cosmic wonders, the black hole captivated Ella most. She felt an unfinished connection, a sense that something important awaited her there. One day, weary of her loneliness, Ella decided to visit the edge of the galaxy. Tired of the black hole’s relentless pull, she chose a new adventure and thought herself to the edge of Andromeda.

The view was breath-taking.

Before her, space curved inward, and bright galaxies filled her sight, their light dazzling. But she couldn’t take her eyes off her neighbour galaxy, the Milky Way—a curved, slow-spinning disc with flickering lights from within. Andromedans called it "the Dragon," a name that Ella had heard but never fully understood. Now, she saw the stars aligning in a shape that did resemble a dragon.

Loneliness washed over her, deeper than before. She longed for ancestors who might have travelled these paths and seen these cosmic marvels. Perhaps they, too, had gazed at the Dragon with wonder.

Unable to shake her sadness, Ella resolved to undertake another adventure. Yet, she found herself stuck. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t leave Andromeda. The Dragon kept spinning, oblivious to her longing.

Ella dragged herself back to the Dragon, her defeat weighing her down. Change had always been her comfort, yet now she felt trapped. For the first time, she questioned her existence. Why had the universe kept her here, while this "Dragon" held its mysteries beyond her reach?

More time passed—and none of it did. One day, as she drifted, a loud BANG jolted her to attention. She raced across dimensions, senses sharp, searching for the source.

She returned to the edge and found her answer: a massive gas cloud had emerged from an explosion within the Milky Way. New planets formed around stars, and spaceships soon followed, settling into new systems.

Ella watched, captivated, as life blossomed and faded in a blink of cosmic time. New ships arrived, wars erupted, and people lived and died. Planets formed, life thrived, and then vanished again. The cycle of life, death, and rebirth filled Ella with wonder.

She stayed to watch it unfold. The Dragon was growing, its black hole expanding with each passing eon.

Other galaxies began swelling around it, teeming with light, life, and activity. Ella felt her loneliness sharply. She had never seen such vibrant energy, such divine interaction.

Yet, nightmares soon followed. The black hole’s call grew louder, impossible to ignore. Resigned, Ella knew her time had come.

She packed up her domain, collecting planets, stars, and memories, and stored them in a small cosmic case. She extinguished flames, gathered the winds, and tidied her playground of planets.

Once her galaxy fit neatly in her case, Ella faced the black hole. She let it consume her, surrendering to the pull that had haunted her for so long.

Inside, Ella found herself both outside and within Andromeda, as if time and space folded around her. She could see not only her world but also the Dragon’s. And she realized what she needed to do.

Excitement filled her as she flew, dragging her galaxy along at light speed toward the Milky Way. Within moments, they collided in a celestial dance.

Life within the Milky Way merged with Ella, as her galactic self fused with the Dragon. They shared everything—light, life, wisdom, and secrets.

She became the hostess to her newfound inhabitants, sharing Andromeda’s ever-changing reality with them. Yet, their nature soon surfaced. These beings pillaged, destroyed, and killed without gratitude or understanding.

When gravity finally tore the two galaxies apart, Ella felt relief. She restored Andromeda to its original beauty, though healing took lifetimes. She vowed never to let such chaos disrupt her home again.

Yet, loneliness returned, creeping in with each passing eon. Ella knew she would meet the Dragon again; it was destiny. They were two halves of the same soul.

Their second reunion felt different. Now, the Dragon roamed alone, like Ella. They had both lost ancestors or perhaps absorbed them, growing quieter and wiser. This time, their merging was calm, a meeting of ancient, evolved souls.

Together, they formed a larger, divine creation, and Ella realized that her ancestors lived within her. Her purpose was no longer to fill a void but to experience her existence fully.

What is Our Purpose?

One only asks this question, when they have seriously gone off track. To Ella, her purpose was “not to be lonely”’. To the Dragon, his purpose was “to become himself”.

Your purpose then, is what you choose. And, it’ll inform your greatest desire.

Often the things we desire take us off track so we may find the correct one. We all confuse desire with purpose. We confuse love with desire.

Once we achieve discernment, we can separate the three. And yet, the only ones without a purpose at all, have, in fact, mastered love.

Because they understand one thing that no one else does.

That true love is a meeting of evolved souls that are complete within themselves. They want nothing, they share without changing, they give without expecting. They come together to experience the sheer joy of difference.

Because it’s just another experience to add to their already full case. And still, it’s an invaluable addition. One that’ll make them bigger. So someday, when they are exploding with joy, they can start all over again, simply because they can.

Want to discover your love patterns and life purpose? Book a Vedic Astrology Reading today!

Two galaxies mirroring each other

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