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Pushya Nakshatra: Souls from O'Çanceri

Writer's picture: SophiaSophia

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

Claws of the Crab

Guru meditating on lotus

The Securely Anxious Attacher

Location: 03.20 - 16.40 of Cancer

Some natives have all the luck. Some natives start with safe and comfortable childhoods, and when they progress into professional life, their strong early foundation translates into material success.

Ruled by Saturn, the deity of this nakshatra is Jupiter. Their purpose is dharma. They can be sunny-bright yet gentle in their aura and often struggle with weight issues and can have rounder faces.

Entirely located within the cancer zodiac, natives of this nakshatra are born to be caregivers. Nursing, hospitality, aged care, motherhood, stay-at-home parenting, and anyone in the service of others have mastered the energy of this constellation.

Have you heard the saying, you cannot pour from an empty cup? Pushyans have their cups pretty full. So they are ready to deliver. In psychology terms, this would describe the Secure Attachment Style.

But wait.

Challenges of Giving and People-Pleasing

Having Jupiter as their deity means the natives feel an intense need to over-give. Having Saturn rule the nakshatra only intensifies this pressure, making them people-pleasers, especially if their kindness is not reciprocated. People can take advantage of them.

But their benefic natures do not allow for confrontation, and so emerges the classic passive-aggression in having their needs met. This is a great cause for their suffering. And so their need to give is directly proportional to their need to get support.

The blooming flower within a circle and an arrow is a key symbol of this nakshatra. Flowers are simpler things on the outside, and yet they need the perfect conditions (rain, soil, weather, nutrition) to thrive.

A secure attacher is only so because of the influences they had in their lives. Misguiding a native of this nakshatra will lead them to dangerous places within their own minds. So influences are extremely important for these people to reach their full potential.

Maternal Influences and Mental Challenges

In general, the ruler of Cancer is the Moon. Moon is our mind. But it is also representative of the mother. A mother nourishes, gives blessings and brings prosperity to a child. She protects life. But a mother can also smother.

The Saturn and Moon combination form a tricky energy these natives must encounter at some point. This Yog in Vedic Astrology is an indicator of immense mental pressure, anxiety and also depression.

On one hand, there is prosperity, on the other, there is an inner battle of not doing enough.

So natives struggle within themselves over even the tiniest failures on their path to paying off their debts to all they want to serve. This is where Jupiter comes to the rescue. If they allow themselves to be guided by their Lord, they can become great teachers, educators, counselors, public servants, and release some of their stresses.

Home and Family Dynamics

Another symbol of this nakshatra is the cow's udder. And as a natural ruler of the 4th house in a natal chart, family, home and comfort become very important to these natives. Checking the placement of Moon and Jupiter in the chart will indicate what kind of challenges they are going to face in these arenas.

The mother becomes the ultimate guiding light for these natives. The mother is benevolent.


But she can also be protective. An inherent defensiveness, a respect for all life forms, a need to fight injustice and follow the path of righteousness is an emotional response to external events. The pincers are often ready for attack.

Dietary and Lifestyle Characteristics

Unfiltered cow's milk is considered the most healing of all ingredients in the Vedas. Vegetarianism and adopting a sattvic diet are seen with these natives at some point in their lives.

Some of the best chefs around the globe are also seen with this nakshatra. But nourishment must first begin in their minds. On the flip side, these natives can have major struggles with their diets. Emotional eating becomes a problem when things do not go well for them.

So working from home and having a healthy family life is a great source of comfort for these natives. This balances their need to seek this comfort through food. However, any malefic affliction to this sign causes all this security to flip on its head.

This is where the secure attacher dissolves and the anxious attacher rears its ugly head.

Relationship Dynamics and Emotional Needs

In our vedic history, Jupiter's wife had an affair as her husband's attention was otherwise occupied. The Guru was busy with his first duty, which was to deliver knowledge to the world.

For these natives, the need for connection with others is so strong that if there's any lacking whatsoever, they can have immediate anxiety, trust issues and upsets. But because Saturn is the creator of restrictions, they are unable to express this. Diplomacy is demanded of these natives.

There is no sign better at sulking than Cancerians.

And so a victim mentality emerges. Underhanded, manipulative tactics to get what they want are seen. The best remedy is seen in the opposite sign. Because they are so giving and attached to connection, what they require is someone who can show them independence and self-motivation.

A partner who can balance their anxiety with secure attachment will resolve their fears.

The claws grab on and never let go.

Attachment to your home, country and family are extremely important to these natives. But, the importance of anything is magnified by their ability to give. How much they give is directly proportional to their happiness.

This is Saturn's clever solution to paying off their past life debts - making things personal always works like a gun to the head. But this causes a not-so-unique problem of unending expectations.

Hidden Depths and Spiritual Complexity

But these benevolent beings are not as simple as they seem. The combined effect of Jupiter and Saturn makes these natives very shrewd. This type of Guru is hard to uncover at first glance. The crab has many skills. Here can be tantra, black magic and underhandedness.

The work of the Guru is to create a path between you and the divine. And he/she will do whatever it takes to get there. So they make friends with powerful people along the way.

It is said that Sages can cancel karma that has been assigned by the Gods. Because knowledge is the key that unlocks that dreaded black door. So, the crabs take no favors and bestow none.

Why? Favors bind you to the other. And Gurus are bound by no one.

The Secrets of O'Çanceri

This star cluster is considered the most auspicious of all 27 nakshatras. Natives are soft, nourishing, motherly, domesticated, benevolent and knowledgeable people. They are marked by how fortunate they become in life. Their luck is generated by how quickly they pay off their debts.

The difficulty arises when they are confused about whether to act first and learn later or the other way around. Learning is a near-constant cloud cover over their heads, and they must accept it as a part of life.

When this nakshatra malfunctions, the natives can procrastinate and laziness becomes their defining characteristic. Being around good influences is key to mastering this energy. Then advice can be balanced with action.

Spiritual and Personal Energies

Moon's energy helps with the nourishment and distribution of energy. Jupiter provides the life-force, abundance and prosperity. Saturn gives them stability, patience and resilience.

Their auras are non-threatening and so they attract many friends in their lives. They come across as people who can provide comfort and protection for others. They love it when everyone in their orbit is happy.

But indulgence, even for the greater good, can be bad.

In an emergency, you cannot help those on a plane if you've failed to mask up first. Pushyans tend to ignore their own needs often. This puts them in a prime position to be taken for granted.

However, if they can find a balance to their extremes, these natives can be great humanitarians. The placement of Saturn in the chart will indicate which path they will ultimately take.

Professional Transformation

Social service workers are often seen with prominent Pushya placement. They have high moral and legal standards. Often this can be seen when they move on from their comfortable domestic lives to the world of business or professional work. This transforms them in ways that's truly remarkable. They can easily make work their home, and that's where they thrive. Because people want to connect with who can bring assurance, calmness and usable advice to them in moments of relentless competition. But the business of business can be ruthless. The professional environment is also where they learn discernment.

This is where they learn to choose their close relationships carefully and ultimately become the masters of dealing with people in all aspects of life.

Want to discover the secrets of your birth chart? Book a Vedic Astrology Reading today!


Astrology Insights, Ancient Wisdom, Galactic Readings, Vedic Astrology, Galactic Astrology, Dharma, Divine, Life Purpose, Indian Astrology, Jyotish, Lunar Cycles, Moon, Kundali, Prediction, Relationship, Marriage, Love, Career, Health, Karma, Auspicious, Nakshatra, Vedas, Zodiac Signs, Astronomy, Starseeds, Lightworker, Free birth chart, Free Astrological chart, Healing, Sun, Moon, Spirituality

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